Payment Received Workflow Trigger


Welcome to the documentation for the Payment Received Workflow Trigger in Gymini. This feature is designed to centralize and automate the handling of all incoming payments, enhancing efficiency and responsiveness in real-time customer transactions. This document will guide you through the functionalities, use cases, and how to set up and use this trigger effectively.


The Payment Received Workflow Trigger is a powerful tool in Gymini that initiates automated workflows based on incoming payments, including one-time purchases, subscription charges, and invoices. It offers customization through various filters and conditions, allowing for targeted responses to different payment events, and facilitates real-time actions, reporting, and analytics.

What is the Payment Received Workflow Trigger, and what does it do?

The Payment Received trigger automates processes and actions based on incoming payments when used in a workflow. It can be configured to respond to specific payment events, such as successful or failed transactions or particular products and payment sources. Here are some detailed functionalities and use cases:

Workflow automation: The trigger initiates the Workflow whenever a payment is received, allowing for automated actions like sending confirmation emails, generating invoices, or updating customer records in a CRM.

Customization with filters: Users can apply various filters to the trigger, such as transaction type, payment source, or product. This enables the creation of targeted workflows for specific scenarios, like subscription renewals, or failed payments.

Real-time response: The trigger operates in real-time, enabling businesses to respond quickly to customer transactions. This can help improve customer satisfaction by providing immediate feedback or resolving issues promptly.

Conditional actions: By using if/else conditions in the Workflow, different actions can be executed depending on the payment characteristics, such as the amount, source, or transaction status.

Reporting and analytics: The trigger can capture payment data for analysis and reporting purposes. By monitoring incoming payments and their attributes, businesses can gain insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and potential areas for improvement.

What are some excellent usage cases for this, along with their benefits?

The Payment Received trigger offers numerous usage cases and benefits, helping businesses automate processes, improve customer experience, and gain insights from payment data. Some common usage cases and their benefits include:

  • Automated payment confirmation: Usage Case: Send customers automated confirmation emails or messages when Payment is processed. Benefits: Enhances customer experience by providing instant payment confirmation, reduces manual tasks, and helps maintain clear communication with customers.

  • Subscription management: Usage Case: Automatically update subscription status in the system when a subscription payment is successful or failed. Benefits: Ensures accurate and up-to-date subscription information, streamlines subscription management, and reduces manual intervention.

  • Dunning management: Usage Case: Automatically trigger dunning email sequences for customers with failed subscription payments. Benefits: Improves revenue recovery by addressing payment failures promptly, reduces churn, and enhances customer retention.

  • Customer segmentation: Usage Case: Use payment data to create customer segments based on purchasing behavior, such as high-value customers or frequent buyers. Benefits: Enables targeted marketing campaigns, helps identify upsell or cross-sell opportunities, and facilitates personalized customer experiences.

  • Payment failure resolution: Usage Case: Automatically notify customer support or sales teams to address and assist the Customer when a payment failure occurs. Benefits: Enhances customer support, improves customer satisfaction, and helps resolve payment issues quickly.

  • Sales performance tracking: Usage Case: Monitor payment data to track sales performance and identify trends, such as best-selling products, seasonal fluctuations, or customer preferences. Benefits: Provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making, helps optimize sales strategies, and drives revenue growth.

  • Integration with accounting systems: Usage Case: Automatically update accounting records with payment information using outbound webhooks, such as invoicing, revenue recognition, or tax calculations. Benefits: Ensures accurate financial reporting, streamlines accounting processes, and reduces manual data entry.

  • Handling trial period transactions: The Payment Received trigger effectively manages transactions involving trial periods for subscription products, such as a 14-day trial. In this example, when a customer signs up for the trial and pays $0 upfront, the trigger categorizes this as a customer present transaction since they are on-session and entering their payment information. After the 14-day trial ends, the customer is charged $100 automatically without entering their payment details again. This subsequent transaction is considered a customer not present transaction, as it occurs in the background. The Payment Received trigger allows businesses to track and automate workflows around trial period transactions accurately.

    Benefits: By efficiently handling trial period transactions, businesses can enhance customer experience, improve subscription management, and reduce manual intervention, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.

  • Integrating Text2Pay links: The Payment Received trigger supports Text2Pay links as a payment source, enabling businesses to automate workflows for payments received through text message-based methods. By incorporating Text2Pay links in the trigger's configuration, businesses can effectively manage and respond to these transactions, improving the overall customer experience and streamlining payment processing.

    Benefits: Utilizing Text2Pay links with the Payment Received trigger allows businesses to reach a wider audience, expedite payment processing, and simplify customer communication, ultimately leading to increased revenue and customer loyalty.

How to use the Payment Received Trigger?

Inside a workflow, add a workflow trigger called Payment Received.

Please Note:

Choosing a filter allows you to choose its respective Sub-filters the next time you add a filter to the same workflow trigger. 

Workflow Trigger Filters

for Payment Received Workflow Trigger

You can then make your Workflow trigger more specific using filters. Here is a table of all the available filters and sub-filters.



Options at Filter Level

Sub-Filter Level 1

Options at Sub-Filter Level 1


Payment Received

Payment Source



Text2Pay link

is, is not

One-time invoice

Recurring template

Funnel/ Website


One-step order form

Two-step order form


Transaction type

Customer present/first transaction

Customer not present/subscription transaction



Calendar names

Global Product

Global product Names


Prices Names as per selected Global Product

Payment status




If/Else Conditions for Payment Received Workflow Trigger

Once you have added your desired set of Filters and Sub-Filters to your workflow trigger, you can add an If/Else Condition for Payment if you need to branch out the Workflow based on certain conditions.

This Table explains the possible If/Else Conditions and their branches.

If/Else Option






is, is not

Global product Names


Funnel/Website names


Calendar names


Invoice, Funnel, Website, Calendar

Payment status



Equal to, is not equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Less than, Less than or equal to, is not empty, is empty.

Amount paid

Custom Values for Payment Received Workflow Trigger

When you use the Payment Received Workflow trigger, you have access to a set of Custom Values that you can populate within SMS, Emails, Internal Notifications, etc. This Table explains the custom values in detail.

Custom Values Category

Custom Values Name (Custom Value Group Name)

Custom Values within Group





Currency Symbol


Currency Code


Customer (Custom Values Group)



First Name


Last Name








Full Address








Postal Code


Invoice (Custom Values Group)





Issue Date


Due Date




Recorded By




Discount Amount


Coupon Code


Tax Amount


Created On


Total Amount


Transaction ID






Card Last 4 Digits


Card Brand





The Payment Received Workflow Trigger in Gymini is a centralized mechanism that automates actions based on incoming payments, offering real-time responses and facilitating efficient business processes. Through customization with filters and conditions, it enables targeted workflows, enhancing customer satisfaction and providing valuable insights through reporting and analytics.


In conclusion, Gymini's Payment Received Workflow Trigger is an indispensable tool for businesses looking to automate and streamline their payment processes. By leveraging this trigger, you can enhance customer experiences, improve revenue recovery, and gain valuable insights into your business performance. Start utilizing this trigger to take your business operations to the next level.

Last updated