Manually Confirming Appointments

In Gymini, you have the option to manually confirm appointments instead of allowing the system to auto-confirm them. This feature is beneficial when you want to review the appointment details yourself before approving them. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use this feature:

Step 1: Disable Auto-Confirm Option

Navigate to the third step of the calendar setup and turn off the option that allows the calendar to auto-confirm appointments. This ensures that you have full control over the appointment confirmations.

Step 2: Utilize Custom Forms

You can create custom forms using the form builder to gather more information from the leads than just their first name, last name, email, and phone number. These forms will be used when the leads book their appointments.

Step 3: Booking Widget

The leads will use the booking widget to request an appointment. Note that if you book the appointment for the lead inside the CRM, it will be automatically confirmed. The manual confirmation only applies when the lead books the appointment themselves through the booking widget.

Step 4: Review and Confirm Appointments

Once a lead has requested an appointment, it will appear with the status "Action Required" in the appointments tab. You will need to review the details and manually confirm the appointment. You can do this through the appointments page on the desktop or via the mobile app.

Step 5: Setting Up Triggers

Set up triggers to notify you when a new appointment request is made. You can also set up a trigger to send a notification to the lead, informing them that their request is under review and they will receive a confirmation email soon.

Step 6: Confirming the Appointment

To confirm the appointment, go to the appointment details in the appointment tab and change the appointment status to "Confirmed." This action will initiate any subsequent triggers you have set up, such as adding the lead to an appointment campaign or updating the opportunity.


  • Manual confirmation is an extra step in the appointment setup process, giving you more control over the appointments.

  • This feature is particularly useful when you want to review the appointment details before confirming them.

Last updated