Action - Update Custom Value FAQ


Q: Can I use the Update Custom Value action in conjunction with other actions in a workflow?

A: Yes, the Update Custom Value action can be used with other actions in a workflow. For example, you can use it with a trigger action to update a custom value field when a specific event occurs.

Q: Can I update multiple custom values using the Update Custom Value action?

A: You can update multiple custom values using the Update Custom Value action by adding additional action steps to your workflow.

Q: How often can I update a custom value using this action?

A: You can update a custom value as frequently as needed. No limits exist on how often you can update a custom value using this action.

Q: Can I use the Update Custom Value action to update custom values in bulk?

A: You can use the Update Custom Value action to update custom values in bulk. But to do that, you will need multiple Update Custom Value actions, as one action updates one Custom Value.

Q: Can I use the Update Custom Value action to update custom values for different sub-accounts?

A: Yes, you can use the Update Custom Value action to update custom values for different sub-accounts with different values. Update the custom values in a sub-account that is the master account used to create a snapshot for its linked accounts. Once the custom values have been updated, update the snapshot and load the updated snapshot to linked accounts.

Q: Can I use variables in the Update Custom Value action?

A: You can use variables in the Update Custom Value action to dynamically update custom values based on other data points. This allows you to create more complex workflows that respond to changes in your data.

Q: Can I undo an update made with the Update Custom Value action?

A: No, it cannot be undone once a custom value has been updated using the Update Custom Value action. It's important to double-check your workflow before executing it to avoid unintended updates.

Last updated