Calendar User Consolidation


Booking appointments has now been made more interactive. There is now the option to select between the Classic widget type and the Neo widget type. You can choose the widget type when creating an appointment for a new calendar or editing an existing one. Users will also now be able to configure custom calendar URLs in the “Unassigned Calendar” type. This will allow users to add a custom calendar URL to their calendar appointment making it unique and relatable to their business name or related to the appointment itself. Moving Calendars to Groups, and Deactivating Groups are some additional releases with this feature.

You can select between the Classic widget type and the Neo widget type. You can choose the widget type when creating an appointment for a new calendar or editing an existing one. You can make the changes by following these steps:

How to choose between different widgets on your calendar?

Navigate to Settings> Calendars> Click on “Create Calendar”

Select Calendar Type, you can choose between any of the available types

Team & Event Setup —--> Widget Type is where you would see the following options to select from:

Classic (which was used for Unassigned)

Neo (which will be used by default for Group Calendars)


You can also edit an existing Calendar and change the widget type for it.

How to configure a custom Calendar URL for Unassigned Calendars?

Navigate to Settings> Calendars

Then click on Create Calendar> In the Calendar Type, select Unassigned Booking

In Team & Event Setup, you will see the text box in front of the Calendar URL

Click on the textbox and type in the custom calendar URL you would want for the calendar link

Once you have typed in the custom URL, the system will run an availability check on the custom calendar url.URL

You can then see either a “check” indicating that it’s available for you and can save.

In a few cases, you might see a “cross” which means that the custom calendar url is not available in that case you can tweak/modify your custom calendar URL to ensure it’s unique and you get it.URL Then proceed to save the calendar and the Calendar URL would be saved as you configured it.

Assigning Groups to other Calendar Types besides Group Calendars:

You can now assign Groups to the Unassigned Calendar type as well as other Round-robin Calendars

Go to Settings> Calendars:

Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the desired Calendar and then click on Move to Group:

It would open a pop-up where you would be asked to select a group you want to assign to the calendar and then Click on Select.

Picking Groups would be optional for all calendar types:

You can create any calendar event without having to first select a group. For Round Robin or Unassigned

scheduling, you can simply click on the Create Calendar button which would then open options to

configure your calendars with ease.

Ability to deactivate groups:

You can deactivate a single group by clicking on the “ellipses” against the group which you wish to deactivate.

1. Clicking on the ellipses would open the options drawer

2. You can now see a new option “Deactivate all calendars in group”

3. Clicking on which would show a pop-up requesting confirmation

Changing the custom calendar URL won’t affect meeting links

You can change a custom calendar URL for an existing meeting, without having to worry about updating the

appointment again. Changing the custom calendar URL would not affect the calendar URL and appointment


With this release, the Link formats for




will change for all Round Robin calendars. There would be no changes in the functioning of the links and will continue to work as it is (including in workflows).

Below is an example of the way these links would appear.

Cancellation Link Format: /widget/cancel-booking?event_id=<event-id>


Reschedule Link Format format: /widget/booking/<calendar-id>?event_id=<event-id>

Last updated