Agency Role FAQ


Q: Can an agency account have multiple Agency Owners?

A: No, an agency account can only have one Agency Owner at a time. If the current owner wishes to change, they must transfer the ownership to another user with an Agency Admin role.

Q: What happens if an Agency Owner is deleted from the system?

A: If an Agency Owner is deleted, the system automatically assigns ownership to the following User based on the created date, in descending order. If no users with appropriate permissions (Agency, Admin) exist, the system will hold assigning ownership until a user with the required role structure is added.

Q: Can other Agency Admins change the Agency Owner's user role?

A: Other Agency Admins cannot change the Agency Owner's user role. Only the Agency Owner can change their user role by transferring ownership to another Agency Admin.

Q: Will the introduction of the Agency Owner role impact the permissions and functionalities of the Agency Admin role?

A: No, the Agency Owner role will not impact the permissions and functionalities of the Agency Admin role. The Agency Owner will have the same permissions as the Agency Admin, with added privileges for transferring ownership and being the main point of contact for account-related actions.

Last updated