Neo Group template FAQ


Question: What is the Neo Group View Template, and how does it improve group management?

Answer: The Neo Group View Template is a modern solution designed to enhance group management. It offers a more polished and visually appealing group view, simplifying the user experience for both administrators and end users.

Question: How can I access the Neo Group View Template in my calendar settings?

Answer: To access the Neo Group View Template, go to your Calendar Settings and select the "Templates" dropdown. Here, you can choose between the "Classic" and "Neo" templates for your groups.

Question: What are the key features of the Neo Group View Template?

Answer: The Neo Group View Template offers several key features, including staff selection for services, a sophisticated design, calendar-specific images, and a streamlined flow of information. These features aim to improve the overall group experience.

Question: How do I create a group using the Neo Group View Template?

Answer: To create a group with the Neo Template, follow these steps: Access Calendar Settings, select Groups, click on "Create Group," choose the "Neo" template, fill in group details, and click "Create."

Question: Can I switch between the "Classic" and "Neo" templates after creating a group?

Answer: Yes, you can switch between templates even after creating a group. Simply access the group's settings and choose your preferred template.

Question: How do I upload a cover image for a calendar using the Neo Template?

Answer: To upload a calendar cover image, access Calendar Settings, click on "Edit Calendar" (for an existing calendar) or proceed to "Advanced Settings" when creating a new calendar. In the "Customization" tab, you'll find an option to upload a calendar cover image.

Question: Why is it recommended to add a calendar cover image when using the Neo Template?

Answer: Adding a calendar cover image enhances the visual appeal and professionalism of your calendar, making it more engaging for users. This visual enhancement aligns well with the Neo Template's modern and polished design.

Last updated