Seats per Slot FAQ


Question: What is the purpose of the "Show seats per slot" feature?

Answer: This feature provides users with control over the display of available seats per time slot in Class booking calendars.

Question: How do I enable the "Show seats per slot" feature for my calendar?

Answer: To enable this feature, click on "Edit" in the calendar's advanced settings, navigate to "Customisations," find "Calendar widget style," and toggle on the "Show seats per slot" option. Don't forget to save your settings.

Question: Which calendars support the "Show seats per slot" feature?

Answer: This feature is supported exclusively for Class booking calendars and Neo widgets.

Question: Why is it beneficial to display seats per slot in a calendar widget?

Answer: Displaying seats per slot helps users make informed decisions when booking appointments, as they can see the availability at a glance.

Question: Can I choose not to show seats per slot in my calendar widget?

Answer: Yes, you have the option to toggle the "Show seats per slot" feature on or off, giving you control over whether this information is displayed or hidden in your calendar widget.

Question: Can I customise the appearance of the seats per slot display in my calendar widget?

Answer: Currently, the feature allows you to toggle the display of available seats per slot, but extensive customisation options for the appearance may not be available.

Question: Why can't I see the seats per slot on the booking widget even though I've enabled "Show seats per slot" in my calendar settings?

Answer: The seats per slot will only be displayed on the booking widget if the "Seats per class" setting in your calendar settings is set to a value greater than 1. Make sure to adjust the "Seats per class" setting accordingly to start showing the seats per slot on the calendar booking widget.

Question: Does this feature works with Recurring class bookings?

Answer: Yes

Last updated