Email Deliverability: A Comprehensive Guide


In the world of Gymini, ensuring that your gym's emails reach the intended recipients is paramount. But what does "good deliverability" really mean? Let's dive in.


Email deliverability is often misunderstood, with many confusing it with the term "delivered." It's essential to differentiate between the two to optimize your email campaigns effectively.


"Delivered" refers to the statistic indicating that an email has reached the recipient's mail server. However, it doesn't guarantee that the email landed in the inbox; it could be in spam, promotions, or other folders.

  • Key Points:

    • A good delivery rate should be 98% or higher.

    • The opposite of "Delivered" is "Undelivered," meaning the email was rejected or bounced.

    • Many email marketing tools don't provide a "Delivered" stat, but with Gymini's integration with Mailgun, you get full visibility.


Deliverability, on the other hand, refers to the rate at which your emails land in the recipient's inbox versus other folders. It's about ensuring your emails are seen and not marked as spam.

  • Key Points:

    • Deliverability is influenced by various factors, including IP and domain reputation, content, and recipient behavior.

    • Aiming for a high deliverability rate is crucial, though achieving 100% is nearly impossible.

Factors Affecting Deliverability

  1. IP and Domain Reputation: Your sending reputation is vital. Factors like volume, consistency, and engagement (opens, clicks, etc.) play a significant role.

  2. Email Service Provider (ESP) Filtering: Different ESPs like Google or Yahoo have unique filtering mechanisms.

  3. Authentication: Ensure your DNS records, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, are correctly set up.

  4. Domain Age & Suffix: New domains need to be warmed up slowly, and some domain suffixes are more trustworthy than others.

  5. Content: Avoid spammy words and ensure a good text-to-HTML ratio. The content should be relevant and engaging.

  6. Blacklistings: Being on a blacklist can severely hamper deliverability. Regularly check and address any blacklistings.

  7. Links: Ensure the links in your emails are trustworthy and not associated with blacklisted or low-reputation domains.

  8. Volume and Consistency: Send emails consistently and avoid sudden spikes in volume.

  9. Recipient Behavior: The way recipients interact with their emails can influence deliverability.


Achieving optimal email deliverability in Gymini requires a combination of technical setup and understanding recipient behavior. While we can't control every factor, focusing on what we can influence can significantly improve our chances of landing in the inbox. Remember, the goal is not just to send emails but to ensure they are seen, read, and acted upon by your gym's members and prospects.

Last updated