
In Gymini, pipelines are a crucial tool that helps in tracking and managing leads effectively through different stages until they convert into sales. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your first pipeline in Gymini CRM.

Creating Your First Pipeline

  1. Login to your client account: Start by logging into your client account in the Gymini CRM.

  2. Access the pipelines section: Find and click on the "Pipelines" option in the left navigation menu.

  3. Create a new pipeline: Click on "Create New Pipeline" to start setting up your pipeline.

  4. Name your pipeline in the Pipeline name stage

  5. Add stages to your pipeline in the Stage name fields

    You can use the arrows

    You can use the red trash bin icon under the Actions column to delete a stage in the pipeline

  6. Click Save

Setting Up Your Pipeline

  1. Naming your pipeline: Give your pipeline a descriptive name that resonates with the goals you are trying to achieve.

  2. Defining stages: The most critical part of setting up a pipeline is defining the stages. Here is how you can go about it:

    • Understanding your client's needs: Put yourself in your client's shoes and understand what they aim to achieve with the leads you generate for them.

    • Initial stage: Typically, leads start off as just that - leads or prospects. This should be your first stage.

    • Subsequent stages: Think about the journey you want to lead your prospects through. It could be setting up an appointment, getting on a call, etc. Define these as your subsequent stages.

    • Outcome stages: After the appointment, the lead either converts into a sale or is lost. These are your outcome stages.

  3. Adding additional stages: If there are other stages like getting a quote, offering a free consultation, etc., add them as necessary.

Note: You don't need to add "won" or "lost" as stages, as the system automatically creates them. Also, avoid adding stages that not every lead goes through, such as "no show" or "rescheduled call," to maintain clarity and focus on the essential stages that every lead must go through.

Saving Your Pipeline

Once you have defined all the necessary stages, click "Save" to create your pipeline. You can create multiple pipelines, edit existing ones, or delete pipelines as per your requirements.

Viewing Your Pipeline

To view your pipeline, click on "Opportunities" on the left menu. Here, you will see the pipeline stages you have created.

Tips and Tricks

Put yourself in the shoes of your client when building their pipeline. What does their sales flow/process look like? Replicate that here!

Experiment with different pipelines and stages. Since you are reading this article, you are probably a HighLevel newbie :-), and that is totally fine. You may find yourself changing stages and pipelines as your knowledge and experience with our software grows. Nothing wrong with that!

Don't add won & loss as stages to your pipeline. We do that automatically for you!

Don't add *asterisks* Stages to your pipeline (ie. No Show). Leads should have to go through EVERY stage of your pipeline. Asterisks stages will ruin your dashboard stats which will be covered in another article.

Don't overcomplicate things! If there are only a few stages to your client's pipeline, that is totally fine. Don't add stages that don't exist.

Don't copy my pipeline (or anyone else's) if they do not work with you! Pipelines are really client dependant.


You have successfully created your first pipeline in Gymini CRM. Stay tuned for more guides on creating opportunities within pipelines and filtering pipelines to manage your leads more effectively.

Last updated