Action - Update Custom Value


The Update Custom Value Workflow Action is a potent tool in Gymini that enables the automation of updating custom values at the sub-account level. This guide will delve into what this action entails, its use cases, and how to effectively implement it in your workflows.


In Gymini, the Update Custom Value Workflow Action is designed to modify custom values within a sub-account, going beyond updating individual contact's custom fields. This action can trigger other actions based on the updated information, serving as a dynamic tool in managing and automating various aspects of your business operations.

What are some excellent usage cases for this with practical examples?

Lead Source Tracking: Tracking the source of new leads by updating a custom value for each lead source. For example, if you use multiple lead sources such as Facebook ads, Google ads, and email campaigns, you can update a custom value for each lead source to track which sources generate the most leads.

Referral Program Tracking: Tracking the success of a referral program by updating a custom value for each referred customer. For example, offer a referral program that rewards customers for referring new customers. You can update a custom value for each referred customer to track the program's success.

Sales Performance Tracking: Tracking the sales performance of individual sales representatives by updating a custom value for each representative. For example, if you have a sales team, you can update a custom value for each representative to track their sales performance and identify areas for improvement.

Customer Engagement Tracking: Tracking customer engagement by updating a custom value for each interaction. For example, if you have a customer service team, you can update a custom value for each customer interaction to track engagement and identify improvement areas.

Subscription Management: Managing and automating the subscription process for recurring services, such as renewals, cancellations, or upgrades. Custom values can be used to store information about each subscription and trigger actions based on the subscription status.

Event Registration Tracking: Tracking event registration by updating a custom value for each event registration. For example, if you host events, you can update a custom value for each registration to track attendance rates and identify areas for improvement.

Customer Feedback Tracking: Tracking customer feedback by updating a custom value for each feedback form submission. For example, if you collect customer feedback through surveys or forms, you can update a custom value for each submission to track feedback trends and identify areas for improvement.

Marketing Campaign Performance Tracking: Tracking the performance of marketing campaigns by updating a custom value for each campaign. For example, if you run multiple marketing campaigns such as email, social media, and paid ads, you can update a custom value to track which campaigns generate the most leads or sales.

How to use this action?

To use the Update Custom Value Workflow Action, you must have a CRM platform that supports this feature. Once you have access to the platform, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new workflow or edit an existing one

In your account, either start a new workflow or select an existing one to edit.

Step 2: Add the Update Custom Value Action:

Add the Update Custom Value action from the list of available actions within the workflow.

Step 3: Choose the Custom Value to update:

Select the custom value you want to update from the list of available custom values.

Specify the new value: Enter the new value to which you want to update the custom value.

You can update the custom value with a static value, a fixed value you specify in the workflow, or a custom value, which is a value dynamically generated based on other data in your workflow.

Save the action: Save the action and any other actions or conditions you want to add to the workflow.

Test the workflow: Test the workflow to ensure it works as expected. You can do this by triggering the workflow with a test contact or setting up a test environment using the Test Workflow button.

Publish the workflow: Once satisfied, publish it so it can be triggered automatically based on your set conditions.


The Update Custom Value Workflow Action is a vital tool in Gymini, enhancing your ability to automate processes and maintain up-to-date information at the sub-account level. By understanding and utilizing this action effectively, you can optimize your workflows, making your operations more efficient and data-driven

Last updated