Understanding Priority and Round Robin Settings


In Gymini, the priority and round-robin settings play a pivotal role in determining how appointments are assigned to different users in a team. This guide will help you understand how these settings work and how to configure them to suit your team's scheduling needs.

Priority Settings

High Priority

  • Definition: Assigns the highest priority to a specific user, ensuring they receive appointments before others.

  • Scenario: If three users are available at the same time, the user with the highest priority will be assigned all the appointments until their slots are filled.

  • Example: If User 1 has the highest priority, they will be assigned all available slots first.

Low Priority

  • Definition: Assigns a lower priority to users, distributing appointments more evenly.

  • Scenario: If two users have low priority, the system will round-robin between them, trying to keep their number of appointments roughly equal.

  • Example: If User 2 and User 3 have low priority, they will receive appointments alternately, maintaining a balance in their schedules.

Round Robin Settings

Equal Distribution

  • Definition: Ensures an equal distribution of appointments among all users, regardless of their priority setting.

  • Scenario: If all users have an equal number of appointments, the next appointment will be assigned to the user with the least number of appointments.

  • Example: If User 1 has 10 appointments and User 2 and User 3 each have 6, the system will try to assign the next appointments to User 2 and User 3 until they all have 10 appointments.

Advanced Scenarios

Multiple Appointments per Slot

  • Definition: Allows a user to take multiple appointments in the same time slot.

  • Scenario: If the appointments per slot are set to two, a user with high priority can be assigned two appointments at the same time.

  • Example: If User 1 has the highest priority and the appointments per slot are set to two, they can be assigned two appointments at 8:00 AM before the system assigns appointments to the next user.


Understanding the priority and round-robin settings in Gymini allows you to manage your team's appointments more effectively, ensuring a fair distribution of appointments and optimizing your team's schedule. By configuring these settings appropriately, you can create a scheduling system that aligns with your team's preferences and operational needs.

Last updated