How to use the Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action


In the dynamic world of CRM systems, the Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action emerges as a versatile tool, facilitating real-time data exchange between your CRM and various third-party services. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this feature, its applications, benefits, and the steps to use it effectively.


The Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action is designed to enhance the interoperability of your CRM system with third-party services, allowing for tailored requests through various HTTP methods, authorization techniques, headers, and query parameters. This user-friendly tool ensures efficient and accurate workflows, taking into consideration API responses and server limitations.

- Once Premium Actions & Triggers are enabled via the Agency settings, EXISTING and New Sub-Accounts will have 100 free executions.
- For agencies to avoid accruing execution costs for EXISTING Sub-Accounts, rebilling will need to be enabled manually for each Sub-Account within the Agency view (). 

- If premium actions are enabled on the SaaS Configurator, new Sub-Accounts generated will automatically be enrolled in LC Premium Actions & Triggers, no further action is required by the agency.

What is the Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action?

The Custom Webhook - LC Premium Action is a powerful and flexible feature that enables real-time communication between your CRM system and third-party services. It allows you to configure and send custom data requests to specified URLs using different HTTP and authorization methods. This feature also supports adding headers, query parameters, and mapping custom values to create a tailored request structure that meets your needs. With autocomplete suggestions and user-friendly interfaces, the Custom Webhook streamlines data exchange and ensures accuracy in your workflows. However, it is crucial to consider API response success and server limitations when using this feature to prevent errors and disruptions in workflow execution.

Who is this feature useful for?

This feature is helpful for businesses and individuals who need to integrate their CRM systems with third-party services for seamless data exchange, automation, and enhanced functionality. It is particularly useful for marketers, developers, and IT professionals who want to streamline workflows, improve data consistency, and manage processes more efficiently across various platforms.

What are the benefits of this feature?

The benefits of the Custom Webhook - LC Premium Action feature include the following:

Seamless integration: Enables accessible communication between your CRM system and third-party services, improving data exchange and overall efficiency.

Flexibility: Supports various HTTP methods, authorization methods, headers, and query parameters, allowing you to create custom requests that suit your needs.

Time-saving: The user-friendly interface with autocomplete suggestions simplifies the data mapping and reduces manual effort.

Improved accuracy: Helps ensure data consistency and accuracy across different platforms, reducing errors and inconsistencies.

Real-time updates: Facilitates real-time notifications and updates, enhancing responsiveness and decision-making.

Workflow automation: Streamlines workflows by automating system data exchange, increasing productivity, and reducing manual tasks.

Scalability: Adaptable to various applications and industries, making it a valuable tool for businesses of different sizes and sectors.

How to use the Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action?

Fill Url:

You have the ability to send data requests to any URL of your choice without the need for coding or server operation.

Select a Method

You can choose any HTTP method that suits your needs, such as POST, GET, DELETE, or PUT.

Select Authorization Method

We support various types of authorization methods, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs when accessing the webhook.

Headers & Query Parameters:

In addition to sending a request body, our system allows you to include headers and query parameters when sending requests to a webhook.

Headers can be used to provide additional information about the request, such as authentication credentials, content type, and cache control.

Query parameters, conversely, can be used to pass parameters to the webhook endpoint, allowing you to filter or modify the response data you receive.

Configure the data to be sent in the Custom Webhook:

The Custom Webhook premium feature allows you to map custom values in any structure that suits your requirements. Our user-friendly textbox provides autocomplete suggestions for all custom values, including inbound webhook variables.

This feature simplifies the mapping process and saves time by suggesting potential values that match your input. Additionally, it helps ensure accuracy and consistency in your data mapping.

Important points to be considered:

  • Successful execution of the Custom Webhook Action depends on the successful response of the referenced API. Therefore, if errors are sent back, those will reflect on the Contact's Workflow execution and cause the action to be Failed (and then skipped) or Retry with exponential backoffs.

  • In addition to what was stated above in #1, make sure that the receiving server can handle the number of Executions that you are targeting, or else you might end up with errors due to limits being reached for server issues. The Custom Webhook Action will get fired as soon as the Contact reaches the step, so make sure to add Contacts into the Workflow with the receiving server's limits in mind.


The Custom Webhook LC Premium Workflow Action stands as a robust tool, promising seamless CRM integration with third-party services. By understanding its functionalities and leveraging its powerful features, you can automate complex data management tasks, reduce errors, and foster efficiency in your workflows. It is indeed a versatile tool that promises streamlined data management, paving the way for informed decision-making and successful business outcomes.

Last updated