Using the Go-To Workflow Event


The Go-To Workflow Event in Gymini is a versatile tool that allows you to direct contacts to different branches or steps within a workflow seamlessly. This guide will walk you through how to add and utilize the Go-To event in your workflows.

Adding a Go-To Step

Adding a Go-To step in your workflow is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Plus Sign Button: To add a new event, click the plus sign button in your workflow builder.

  2. Search and Select the Go-To Event: Search for "Go-To" in the event list and select it.

  3. Save the Event: After selecting the Go-To event, click "Save".

  4. Create a Connection: Connect the Go-To event to another step by dragging a line from the green dot of the Go-To event to a dark green dot of another event. Alternatively, you can click any dark green dot to automatically create a connection.

Deleting a Go-To Step

If you wish to delete a Go-To step or correct a wrongly drawn line, follow these steps:

  1. Unlink the Wrong Path: Click the pink unlink icon, followed by "Remove Path" to delete a wrongly drawn line.

  2. Delete the Go-To Event: To delete the Go-To event altogether, click on the event and then click "Delete".

Example: Automated Monthly Newsletter Workflow

In the video, an automated monthly newsletter workflow is created using the Go-To steps to direct contacts into the monthly branches of the automation. Here is a breakdown of the workflow:

  1. If-Else Condition: The first step is an if-else condition that checks if the current month is September.

  2. September Email: If the condition is met, the contact receives the September email and then hits a wait step until October.

  3. Go-To Step: Once October arrives, the Go-To step directs the contact to the October branch of the workflow.

For testing purposes, the wait step window checking for the month was turned off to allow immediate transition to the next step without waiting for October.

Testing the Workflow

To test the workflow, the following steps were undertaken:

  1. Save the Workflow: After setting up, the workflow was saved.

  2. Run a Test: A test was run to check the functionality of the workflow.

  3. Check the Email: The September email was confirmed to have been received in the inbox.

  4. Review the History Tab: The history tab was opened to review the log of all fired events in the workflow, confirming the correct functioning of the Go-To step.


The Go-To Workflow Event is a powerful tool in Gymini, facilitating the smooth transition of contacts between different steps or branches in a workflow. Understanding and utilizing this event can help you create dynamic and efficient workflows, enhancing your marketing strategies.

Last updated