Resolving Embedding Issues with Forms in WordPress and Other Platforms


When embedding forms on WordPress or other platforms, you might encounter issues such as the form getting chopped off, having additional height, or experiencing other irregularities. This guide will help you resolve these issues and ensure your forms are displayed correctly.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Retrieve the Embed Code

  • Access the Embed Code: Start by getting the embed code for the form you wish to embed.

Step 2: Remove the Script

  • Identify the Script: In the embed code, find the script that auto-adjusts the height and makes the form responsive.

  • Remove the Script: Delete this script from the embed code. This script sometimes conflicts with WordPress and its plugins, causing display issues.

Step 3: Add a Custom Height

  • Add Height Parameter: In place of the script, add a height parameter to the embed code. Initially, set it to a low value, such as 20px, to start testing.

  • Example:

    cssCopy codeheight: 20px;

Step 4: Test and Adjust the Height

  • Test the Form: Embed the form on your website and view it to assess the height.

  • Adjust the Height: If the height is insufficient, incrementally increase the height value until the form displays correctly. For instance, try setting it to 200px and adjust further as necessary.


By removing the auto-adjust script and manually setting the height parameter, you can resolve embedding issues and ensure your forms display correctly on WordPress and other platforms. This method allows you to have full control over the form's appearance, preventing conflicts with WordPress plugins and other elements that might affect the form's responsiveness.

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