Missed Call Text Back and Call Tracking Enhancements


Gymini introduces new features to enhance the management of missed calls and improve call tracking. These features aim to help small businesses in the US and other regions to efficiently handle missed calls, which are a common occurrence. Let's delve into the details of these new features and understand how they can add value to your business operations.

Missed Call Text Back

Setting Up

  • Location: Found in the company settings under a specific location.

  • Activation: New locations will have this feature enabled by default, while existing locations will need to enable it manually.

  • Customization: Customize the default message that is sent out in response to a missed call using various merge fields.


  • Automatic Response: Sends an automated text message to the caller when a call is missed.

  • Engagement: Allows businesses to engage with callers promptly, even if they miss the call initially.

Call Connect Feature

Setting Up

  • Location: Found in the phone number section under a specific location.

  • Activation: Will be enabled by default for new phone numbers and locations, but existing accounts will need to enable it manually.


  • Prompt: When a call is forwarded to a business, the person answering the call receives a prompt to press any key to connect to the caller.

  • Confirmation: A sound confirms the connection, ensuring that a human, not a machine, has answered the call.


  • Accuracy: Ensures accurate call tracking by confirming that a person has picked up the call.

  • Efficiency: Helps in avoiding situations where calls are forwarded to voicemail or other automated systems, which can lead to inaccurate call tracking.

Caller ID Enhancements

Setting Up

  • Location: Found in the phone number section under a specific location.

  • Options:

    • Default: The business sees the caller's number on their caller ID.

    • New Option: Enabling "Pass Called Number as Caller ID" allows the business to see the Twilio number instead of the caller's number on their caller ID.


  • Recognition: Businesses can save the Twilio number in their contacts to recognize it as a business or marketing call.

  • Flexibility: Provides businesses with the flexibility to choose how they want to view caller IDs for forwarded calls.


The new features introduced in Gymini are designed to help businesses manage missed calls more effectively and enhance call tracking accuracy. By setting up missed call text back and call connect features, businesses can ensure a more responsive and efficient communication system, reducing the chances of losing potential customers due to missed calls.

Last updated