
Introduction: Mailgun is a powerful email service provider that Gymini leverages to send bulk emails. This guide provides an overview of Mailgun, its cost structure, domain recommendations, and the pros and cons of different setup methods with Gymini.


  • What is Mailgun?

  • Cost of Mailgun.

  • Recommended domain usage.

  • Different ways to integrate Mailgun with Gymini.

What is Mailgun? Mailgun is a third-party email service provider that specializes in sending, receiving, and tracking emails. Gymini uses Mailgun, similar to its use of Twilio for sending text messages and calls. For agencies new to Gymini, LC email, which operates under Mailgun, is the default email service.

Cost of Mailgun: Mailgun offers various pricing tiers, with the Foundation plan starting at $35/month. For detailed pricing, it's best to refer to Mailgun's official pricing page.

Domain Recommendations: For optimal email deliverability and branding, it's advised to use a subdomain, like "", with Mailgun. This setup allows emails to be sent from the primary domain, such as "". If opting for a subdomain, ensure that the MX records for the subdomain are correctly configured. It's crucial to only add domains that you own and can verify by updating the DNS records.

Integration Methods with Gymini:

  1. One Subdomain:

    • Pros:

      • Simplified setup: Only one subdomain needs configuration, which is especially convenient if you have access to the primary domain.

      • White-labeling: Emails can be white-labeled to your agency's domain or a generic domain, ensuring no agency branding is visible.

    • Cons:

      • Risk of global email disruption: If the domain gets a poor reputation or is disabled (due to high bounce rates or other issues), email functionality will be disrupted for all clients using that domain.

      • Solution: Ensure that emails sent are not spammy and are sent to valid email addresses.

  2. Multiple Subdomains:

    • Pros:

      • Client-specific white-labeling: Each client's emails are white-labeled to their specific domain.

      • Isolated disruptions: If one client's domain faces issues, it won't affect other clients.

    • Cons:

      • Complex setup: Setting up individual subdomains for each client can be time-consuming and requires access to each client's domain.

Conclusion: Mailgun offers a robust solution for Gymini's email needs. Depending on the agency's requirements and resources, Gymini users can opt for a single subdomain or multiple subdomains setup. Regardless of the chosen method, it's essential to maintain good email practices to ensure optimal deliverability and maintain a good domain reputation.

Last updated