Troubleshooting GMB Messages Not Showing


At times, you might encounter issues with Google My Business (GMB) messages not appearing in the conversation tab in Gymini. This guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue to ensure smooth communication through the GMB integration in Gymini.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Verify Access Level

  • Ensure that you have admin or manager access to the GMB account to enable messaging.

  • Connect to your Google account with the necessary access level to facilitate the messaging feature.

Step 2: Check GMB Settings

  • Inside your GMB account, navigate to the "Messages" tab.

  • Ensure that the messaging option on the Google side is turned off.

Step 3: Set Company Time Zone in Gymini

  • Go to "Settings" and then to the "Company" tab in Gymini.

  • The company time zone field should not be blank. If it is, select the appropriate time zone and reintegrate the page.

Step 4: Reintegrate GMB Page

  • In the "Settings" and "Integrations" tab, select "Change Page" and choose the GMB page again. This action might sometimes resolve the issue.

Step 5: Verify GMB Page Name

  • Note down the exact name of your GMB page from the Integrations tab in Gymini.

  • On your mobile device (not desktop), open the Google Maps app and search for your business using the exact GMB page name.

  • Click on the chat icon that appears for your business listing.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Missing Chat Icon: If the chat icon is missing, reach out to Gymini support after ensuring you've followed all the above steps correctly.

  • Incorrect Profile Picture: If a different profile picture (not the default lady picture set by Gymini) appears, it indicates that you might be connected to another CRM like Podium. In such cases, contact GMB support to unlink the CRM.

  • Multiple Business Connections: If you suspect that the same business is connected to another Gymini account due to the presence of messages from multiple businesses, reach out to Gymini support for assistance.


  • The primary Google account should be the Admin/ Manager to get messaging enabled

  • GMB messaging should be disabled in Google

  • Company timezone can't be blank. If it's blank, select a timezone that matches with the company address and reintegrate the GMB page again.

  • Try to click "Change page" and select the GMB page again in Settings -> Integrations

If it's still not working, copy the exact GMB page name from Integrations, look up the Google my business page name in the Google Maps mobile app.

Click the Chat icon here, if no chat icon is showing, reach out to support

Once you open the chat, if the picture above is NOT showing this lady here, that means your GMB page is still connected to another CRM like podium and you will need to ask GMB support to un-launch the app associated with your page.


Troubleshooting GMB messages not showing in Gymini involves verifying your access level, checking GMB and Gymini settings, and ensuring the correct GMB page is integrated. Following this guide should help you resolve the issue and maintain seamless communication through the GMB integration in Gymini.

Thank you for using this guide. If you encounter further issues, don't hesitate to reach out to Gymini support.

Last updated